mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Otto Warmbier was inhumanely destroyed by North Korea.

there are a couple problems i have with this story.. first, it seems to contradict the doctors who looked at him after he arrived back in the united states and said they found no signs of torture or abuse and that the brain damage was consistent with respiratory arrest consistent with the claims of botulism

then, when the US is on the brink of attacking north korea they come out with this pity campaign that goes against everything the official reports and the doctors said.. and come up with these tales of rampant abuse that do not seem to be consistent with the results of the medical examinations?

seems a bit too well timed as if somebody is looking for a martyr to rally people against NK, as if we actually need one, but given the number of lefties coming out in support of NK, maybe we do

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Otto Warmbier was inhumanely destroyed by North Korea.

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