jeudi 28 mai 2020

Contact Tracing Is Here

John Doe public absolutely would not tolerate big brother tracking their daily activities.

Now, on the other hand, John Doe public would not only tolerate, but would likely insist on big brother tracking the people that are "infected with this deadly flu".

So some unsespecting sap agrees to take big brother's "flu test" using the swab that big brother provides, that is pre-designed (claimed by some in the medical industry) to give a false positive, well now the daily activities of the sap is now going to be tracked. And the rest of John Doe public is perfectly fine with that.

Perhaps, at the end of the day, we deserve what big brother is dishing out to us.

Votes have consequences. Be careful who you vote into office. And if the leaders of this great land try to steal an election (say by mail in ballat fraud) then we would be wise to let our voices be heard.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Contact Tracing Is Here

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