mardi 26 mai 2020

I made these moccasins to protect me from snake bites

When I spent six months in the jungles of Belize, I was warned by the locals about venomous snakes. One in particular, everyone seemed deathly afraid of. They called it “yellow jaw”. When we would go on a hike in a group, you could observe those guys approaching logs and piles of forest debris with caution. They would poke around with their machetes and make noise to make sure there were no unpleasant surprises waiting for them.

Everyone also wears rubber boots at all times no matter how hot the weather is. This is partly because when it rains it really pours in the jungle but also because snakes tend to go for the angles when they strike. Those boots offer great protection against them. Well, being the aspiring caveman that I am, I had to come up with my own primitive solution.

I can’t remember where I got the pattern from, but it’s not my own design. It is after a pair of footwear worn by a northern Native American tribe. The shin guard is a little tougher. The cool thing is that I never actually got to test it against snake bites even though I was literally all over the bush there.

Here is the video of my making them:

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I made these moccasins to protect me from snake bites

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