dimanche 31 mai 2020

The wide spread Raids could begin ...

This could turn out to be something like the 1800's all over again, but instead of Indians robbing local towns / stage-coach cars it's going to be renegade City dwellers with nothing left of their cities Raiding local towns and Car Jacking locals passing by. This could easily devolve fast and let me explain my rational.

No doubt businesses would have already been closing and pulling out of major cities because of COVID-19. Cities were the most restrictive, and therefore least capable of taking care of themselves. Cities are expensive to run, and hard working citizens were already leaving during COVID-19, with more planned to leave afterwards. Cities have absolutely no way to function on their own, and the only people who will be left in the end are the dirt poor, homeless and welfare citizens. Even many of the hard working Americans in cities don't live there, they live on the outskirts. Then add the Riots.

So companies which produce products including Food are only going to sell where they have a decent market - but also when they can afford to operate. Many companies across the board have had to close, temporarily or permanently. At some point it is useless to operate your business and you close. Most companies are not going to deliver during these riots. BUT if things continue much longer, these cities wont be able to even purchase basic items due to lack of funds. Gas stops being delivered, food, all supplies. People go hungry - people get desperate.

Now what ?

They move out from the cities. They first start car jacking and robbing locals on the outskirts, then move into the Suburbs. They may or not make it into the countryside, but by the Suburb / Countryside line they will meet severe resistance. The other problem is that when things get too dangerous for Police Officers families, they are going to abandon their positions and leave.

We could have roaming bandits of city dwellers moving outside of the cities not too long from now.

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The wide spread Raids could begin ...

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