mercredi 27 mai 2020

...for those who think New Zealand is an outstanding anti-Xivirus success story...

...based on what you see and read in the New Zealand and International media; there are many things that the Lugenpresse downplays or simply ignores.

We haven't eliminated it and we haven't eradicated it; the government has just changed the dictionary definitions of those two words; and so far the media have been extremely cooperative in not reminding the government of what they have promised as recently as a couple of months ago.

With one or possibly two* exceptions, all of the deaths so far have been in the very elderly ("the authorities" are keeping very close lipped about causes of death, ostensibly for reasons of confidentiality, but are not even releasing aggregate details). Deaths from the effects of lockdown already outnumber deaths from the virus.

Much of the world has lauded the socialist Comrade Dear Leader for her leadership and success. I am naturally of the opposite view. She was very late to take any concrete steps, for reasons I won't bore you with in this post; and after failing to secure the border, failing to institute appropriate inbound passenger testing, failing to exclude infected cruise ships, failing to prepare for early and widespread testing, failing to prepare PPE supplies and a host of other failures - and then denying a lockdown was coming... suddenly after she talked to some friends in London (by her own public and published admission) she locked the country down for 50 days.

She continues to claim - as do her sycophants - that New Zealand went hard and fast. No, we delayed, prevaricated, did not plan, did not prepare, and subsequently overreached hugely. The government has chosen industry winners and losers - and turned us more or less within a month to a country where 40% will need to support the other 60% for the foreseeable future, and to do so not for months but for years. A surplus of $20 billion has turned into a projected possible deficit of $200 billion by 2023.

...and what now with the virus? because, while we have managed to clamp down on cases - because we are lucky enough to have a large amount of water surrounding us and so you can't drive through our frontier, and air travel has collapsed so we are able to keep up with quarantining the inbound people the government still lets arrive (having basically lied about closing the border to foreigners, and just been found out...) - we cannot stay in a country-sized bubble forever without going back to an early 1900's style of living and a huge mental and physical illness and injury toll. Even if we wanted to do that, and accepted to do that, we simply couldn't afford to pay for imports.

But the entire plan so far from the NZ government appears to be threefold

1. "we be waiting for a vaccine". Sure, and we been waiting for a vaccine against HIV for 40 years.

2. "we be encouraging New Zealanders to travel domestically". Sure, with what money exactly since more than half the population are now out of work and on unemployment, sickness or wage subsidy benefits?

3. "we be opening up a trans-Tasman travel bubble shortly." Sure, and anybody with money to travel will probably buy a one-way ticket to Australia.

As others have said, her job was to flatten the curve. Instead she flattened our country.

I saw no reason to ever travel to Venezuela. and now as it turns out, I don't need to, my country will become Venezuela.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

...for those who think New Zealand is an outstanding anti-Xivirus success story...

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