samedi 30 mai 2020

Faults Muslims Admit About Muhammad?

I was struck in this morning's devotional reading in John 18 about how the rooster crowed when Peter denied Christ for the 3rd time. What a profound failure?! What a profound act of disloyalty and character flaw?! That it is written gives weight to the authenticity of the Bible, written about real people with real faults; not a white washing of those who emerged as leaders.

Then I thought of other faulty people and prophets in the Bible. Adam did not stop Eve. Noah got drunk. Moses got angry. Jonah ran away. Abraham denied his wife. Peter, of course, denied Christ. The Bible even records Christ's teaching turning people off (when he talked of cannibalism, John 6).

This got me thinking about whether Muslims admit faults about Muhammad? NOTE: I am not asking non-Muslims to list Muhammad's faults but any Muslim or link to Muslims who admit Muhammad's faults. One big fault I came across is that the Koran does not identify any miracles Muhammad performed (and how performing a miracle is an OT requirement).

BTW, I do not recall the OT requiring a miracle to confirm one is a true prophet of God. However, that is compelling. Can anyone elaborate on this? Thanks!

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Faults Muslims Admit About Muhammad?

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