samedi 30 mai 2020

Major cities, ongoing riots, vandalism, arson & looting - WTF?

I can understand peaceful protests, as that is our Constituently protected right.

I cannot understand destructive riots that involve vandalism, arson & looting that destroy infrastructure, vehicles, ATM's, stores, buildings, business's & damage local communities.

In my opinion, the bulk of involved rioting individuals aren't doing so because of George Floyds killing. They are violent destructive low life's doing so, for no good reason, other than potential personal benefit.

Pictures of these rioters burning the American flag really ****'s me off.

It’s dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong. The price of freedom can be seen at your local VA hospital.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Major cities, ongoing riots, vandalism, arson & looting - WTF?

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