Originally Posted by Aerindel 
...WTF??? Who thinks like that?
Every Single MSM "News" bullhorn...

(I assume they have (some sort..) of "TV" in thier place? If so, maybe it's time for it to have an "accident"..
..One of the Best Things I've ever done was to get Rid of "cable", and All those non-stop propaganda-shotguns along with it.. Now we just occasionally Movies / Internet-surf on the (12 yr old) screen, but No More 'MSM', parroting the Same 'psyanide' 24/7, and it's been SO nice w/O it all.. 
told her I was going to put a swastika on it next just for her. |
Lol!! I have a few-yards of black, 'hi-perf' (Outdoor / vehicle-qual adhesive, like is plotter-cut for signs / lettering, etc) Vinyl-scraps, I'll be More than happy to cut ya a pair up / pop in a mailing-tube up to a P.O. Box, 'my treat'..

You just have to promise to video (or sure, just audio..) the 'reaction'
Let's block ads! (Why?)
My mom....WTF!?
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