lundi 25 mai 2020

What plandemic? There’s no plandemic

The doctor featured in the Plandemic movie, Dr. Judy Mikovits, is one of several doctors who've had their vids yanked after they revealed problems with the official story coming from Fauci, the WHO, the CIA-dominated fake news media, and others. Mikovits used to work for Fauci.

The one that I saw before it was pulled was Part 1, so I suspect a follow-up was in the works.

Many of these doctors believe we are being pushed into accepting a vaccine that may have an alternate purpose.

I love the "unbiased" description of the movie found on the Wikipedia page.



Plandemic is a 26-minute conspiracy theory video released in May 2020 promoting falsehoods and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic
Uh, huh. Nothing to see here. Move along.

The article does mention another release in the summer of 2020. Let's watch for that.

Does anyone think we are subjected to less propaganda than what is found in China or Russia? The Deep State swamp critters are revealing themselves.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

What plandemic? There’s no plandemic

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