dimanche 31 mai 2020

Is the problem "White Supremacy" or is there more to the story?

Once again a black man dies at the hands of a white police officer and our world stops and our cities burn. We hear all the usual talk "we need a conversation", we need to wipe out white supremacy, we need to provide good jobs for blacks and we need to L-I-S-T-E-N to the black perspective and hear their experience.

I would like to touch on a few of the allegations against police and white people in general.

PLEASE, please feel feel to correct me, educate me, enlighten me and show me where I'm wrong or missing something.

White Crime/Black Crime: The typically allegation is that white people and white officers are killing black folks. Does this happen? Yes but what's the larger picture?

-It's a simple fact that black men commit nearly half of all murders in this country, which is astounding when you take into consideration the fact that they only make up 12-13% of the population. Blacks males are just 6.5% of the population yet represent over 50% of all murders. Black offenders committed 52% of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45% of the offenders were white or 68% of the population.

Further more 93% of black victims were killed by other blacks. Where is the focus?

-According to the FBI (2011 to 2013) 38.5% of people arrested for manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black who represent just 13% of the population.

Black people are unfairly denied loans for houses:

In these "conversations" we hear allegations that blacks are unfairly denied loans for housing thusly causing great financial damage to the black family just because of the color of their skin. We see countless studies that show white home ownership vs black ownership and the obvious disparity.


Example: Between 1999 and 2015, white young adults ages 18 to 34 had the highest homeownership rate of any racial or ethnic group, at 42%, while only 18% of black young adults were homeowners.
So is this the smoking gun that proves banks and other financial institutions are purposely withholding loans to blacks and causing them even more harm?

Actually no!

As most people know, home loans are driven by FICO scores and not race. According to FreddieMac: Blacks still fall greatly behind whites is credit worthiness. As it turns out Bank of America, Citibank, Wells Fargo doesn't care what color your skin is but they seem to greatly care about your abilty to repay loans and use FICO scores to determine this. The whites that have above 700 FICO scores is over 50%, while only 39.5% of black have scores above 700.

Nearly 80% of black children grow up fatherless and live in single parent households. In any measure this is a recipe for financial disaster and instability. Clearly racism can't be blamed for this massive neglect but rather the problem is internal.

Don't banks practice Redlining?

Don't banks purposely withhold loans to blacks because of the neighborhood they live in? Yet another sneaky way to destroy the black family...right?

Actually no!

It's true bank don't like to invest in high-crime and declining areas but withholding loans to people based on skin color is false. Not only false but completely illegal. Just try to get a 300-400K home loan to build a home in many Detroit neighborhoods no matter what color your skin is.

White Supremacy is the problem?:

Personally I have never met another white person who believes he/she their skin shade makes them better than others. Maybe it's me but I have yet to meet that person. I have never seen KKK members burn a city or lead crime statistics in nearly every category. According to the (ADL) the state of the KKK has been in major decline for decades. They are mostly a collection of small, disjointed groups that often change names and leadership. They are universally rejected by the vast majority of all peoples.

If there are people who claim their skin color makes them superior then I would suggest that for every white supremist there is a black racist like Ray Nagin, a Rev. Sharpton and a Jessy Jackson who have all made supremist comments.

What's the real problem:

White liberals go out of their way to find the most dysfunctional aspects of black culture and celebrate them without hesitation and use them as evidence of racism.

When they see a black person who displayed any evidence of culture and refinement, they dismiss him as inauthentic (uncle Toms). They want a slave narrative to make them happy, and will stop at nothing until they get one.

The Left-wing "Great Society programs" were designed to keep blacks down with broken dysfunctional unionized public schools, removal of fathers, public housing ghetto's and has left blacks worse off both politically and economically long before the civil rights movement began.

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Is the problem "White Supremacy" or is there more to the story?

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