vendredi 29 mai 2020

Lower cost version of Spam

I don't normally like Spam a whole lot. And since it costs about the same per pound as DAK canned hams, I usually buy them. Still, I like to keep some Spam on hand also.

Years back, I bought Armor Treet, thinking it was just generic Spam. It's not. It's absolutely horrible and to me, inedible.

I did just make a nice find though. Walmart's store brand "luncheon meat" is about 1/3 less expensive than Spam and tastes the same. I haven't tried them side by side to see if they taste different. But I couldn't tell this wasn't spam just by tasting it. And for $2 a can, it's a good deal too.

Next I want to try Nalley's canned tamales to see if they are as good as the Hormel brand. They're cheaper by a long shot. But the website always shows them out of stock when I'm ready to make an order.

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Lower cost version of Spam

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