dimanche 31 mai 2020

Just About Everything We Prepped For Is Happening

The news has gotten so bad I had to start limiting myself. As if the Covid-19 pandemic was not bad enough, now we have widespread riots and civil unrest. Plus, I look for tensions between the United States and China to get worse.

Good news though, the local Dollar Store has plenty of canned foods, paper towels and toilet paper in stock.

Even more good news, on Saturday May 30th we picked around 4 five gallon buckets of corn, around 2 1/2 gallons of cucumbers, and around 3/4 bucket of squash and snap beans, and that was just from one row.

It is almost surreal watching the news. We have been preaching to the sheeple to prep, they ignored the prepping community, and now we are dealing with a global pandemic and riots.

I was watching the news about the riots. The news announcer said this is the first time since World War II the Michigan national Guard has been fully deployed. Talked to my mom over the weekend. She said the only thing she can compare this to is the Civil Rights marches in the 1960s. We have probably not seen this level of violence since Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.

Then there are the foreign actors of Antifa who are inciting violence. I say foreign as in they are going to communities where they do not live and inciting violence.

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Just About Everything We Prepped For Is Happening

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