jeudi 28 mai 2020

Put yourself in their shoes . . .

Don't take this in any way as condoning the actions of the Minneapolis PD officers, or defending the actions of the victim in this case prior to his death, I just want everyone to stop a minute and think . . .

Think about how every day a person in a police uniform is lied to, spat at, flipped off, degraded, and berated, just because they happen to be wearing said uniform.

I have to give credit to those folks in blue who manage to keep it in check and *NOT* kill someone by kneeling on their neck for an inordinate amount of time, or laying an excessive beat-down on someone who might have just tugged on that last straw and it pushed them over the edge.

Sure, there are some bad apples -- a lot of it having to do with the fact that fewer and fewer people even *want* to pursue a career in law enforcement, so you kind of scrape the bottom of the barrel just to fill the uniforms -- but there are a lot more good folks out there.

Maybe I'm lucky because of where I live. Things are relatively peaceful here in my burg, and I happen to know by first name most of our police officers and deputies, along with the chief and the sheriff. We do have that criminal element bubbling just below the surface that our folks to an awesome job of keeping in check. We do have our SJW element here as well, who like to project the problems with law enforcement across the country onto our fine folks in blue (to no avail).

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I think I'm there. TLDR: The majority of LEOs aren't racist, murderous a-holes.

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Put yourself in their shoes . . .

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