jeudi 28 mai 2020

How did this site get hijacked by 'closet' lefties?

If your aware enough you can spot them a mile away they 'sweet talk' their way thru the ranks pretending to be something they aren't and then turn on you but if you read between the lines there are often several 'red' flags unique to the user but generally they all have a same kind of theme.

Without calling anybody out in particular to avoid more monkey poo how did this forum get circumstanced? In fact how did the web get so circumstanced? A major change in 2015-16 happened on a lot of forums where survival/fringe forums got shut down due to DDOS attacks then reopened but people then saw things were not quite right and got quickly booted out if they got to close to the truth and weird tracking things were put on people's computers who were not protected.

This is like how the talk radio shows used to be. They would get flooded with 'calls' on call in days people pretending to be neutral then go ballistic when called out as they back pedal and try to cover it up only to get caught more and more till it's quite obvious and they get blocked..

It seems they went from there to the digital world and spew out weird crap. How did the internet lose it's information highway now most stuff is old on search results as in 3 or more years. It seems 2017 was a big year for a lot of calling out as most articles about calling on tech censorship originate from that period.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

How did this site get hijacked by 'closet' lefties?

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