jeudi 21 avril 2016

Low Tech General Alarm

I'm always fascinated with various survival scenarios/fiction and how complicated and tech dependent they try to make a general alarm / intruder alert.

They are trying to rig car horns to batteries or find a big bell etc.

Now it would be wonderful if you happened to have already stocked a bunch of bells and whistles.

I'm pretty concerned if you are depending on car horns and batteries that just when you need 'em the battery has run down.

Though an American, I spent my childhood in Africa, and a recipe for a simple call to the community there is take one large metal pipe and beat on a tire rim.

It works very well, is very loud, and requires no tech or power.

Possibly various signal codes could be worked out or even different rims with different "tones" for various locations around the property or community.

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Low Tech General Alarm

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