mercredi 18 mai 2016

Low resource camping in the desert of Vegas

First of all I've been a lurker for years. Never really participated till now. Didn't have much reason to really. Anyway on a dare I'm doing a 14 day low resources camping trip. I don't want to call what I'm doing actual survival, but I do expect it to be fund

(edit: for some reason the pictures won't upload from my phone. Once I get that fixed I'll come back and add in the pictures to this post.)

Today is day 1. To stat with, yesterday after getting to vegas I purchased some cans of vegetables, chili, tuna, and bought some leg quarters, a super cheap cooler, and ice. I also bought 4 gallons of water (drank one of them yesterday) while I was driving around finding a spot.

First thing to know is that you can camp in one place on BLM land for 14 days BUT you have to actually physically get out of the vegas valley. I'm north of the city by about an hour's drive.

I got here at 6am. In one of the pictures there's a pan (eggs cooking in it) surrounded by rocks. That is a windshield. Underneath that is a "biofuel" burner.

Now in the picture along one side you'll see the start of what was going to be a larger wall. However the way I was building it was REALLY not good. In another picture you'll see the second wall that I built.

Why have a wall? Because the hottest part of the day is from 3 or so until about 6:30. That wall is to provide me a nice shady spot for afternoon siesta when it'll be too hot to be doing much. Highs today are only supposed to be 86 so that's not too bad, tomorrow however 97. That'll feel like well over 100. You just don't do much in 100 temps. That said, once the sun goes down I find the desert to be downright pleasant in the evening/night. You don't have to worry much about rain and this far from the city there's nothing to trap the heat so temps get down in the comfortable range pretty quick.

Also, there's nothing to block airflow so there's a near constant breeze.

Now, you might say that 4 gallons of water, when I'm going to need a gallon a day, isn't going to get me long.

Well this is a prepper forum, so this first few days is meant to be getting my place ready. If I HAD to, the vegetation is surprisingly green for this late in may so I could acquire water it just isn't all that tasty and it takes a long time. So I'm going to give myself a few days to get that going.

However I will be sleeping out here starting tonight ... and no, I won't be using an air mattress either. Now you might be thinking, "SLEEP ON ALL THOSE RCKS?!?!?! Are you nuts or something?" And if I were going to sleep on the rocks you'd have a point. What I'm going to do is use one of the flatter rocks I have a picture of as a tool to just scrape away the top layer of rocks. That will leave some nice cool ground underneath. Now there's still rocks under there. However several layers of blankets and really you don't even notice they're thee.

And now I get to sleep out under the open sky!

I'll be posting updates and pics and such every day. If you have any questions I'm happy tto answer!

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Low resource camping in the desert of Vegas

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