With Trump winning (thankfully) last year in a crucial election, many people have been riding a high of optimism for the future of Conservatism. Truthfully, I am not optimistic, I feel for good reason as many people are seeing things that just aren't there.
I am under 30, once was a pretty "establishment-type" conservative voted for McCain, then became more of a Libertarian during the Obama years and still voted for Romney. I always had the thought process of "As long as I am left alone" and if I give the Left their gay marriage and weed then they will let me keep my guns. I am sure there are some progressives that are cool with that arrangement but most from what I can tell are not. I eventually came to the realization that the Left has trounced the Right in the battle for the 20th Century.
I want to know why Conservatives are optimistic? I see no reason to think the GOP platform, even as it currently stands, is tenable past the 2020 Election.
Here are a couple links related to voting patterns by Age and Race:
Cornell breakdown is relying on pre-lim exit polls, so I found the always reliable WaPo (lol) did some extra research on the Hispanic vote in Texas. I won't say that they are 100% accurate but I would guess it splits the difference, and say that Trump won 25% of the Hispanic vote in Texas.
I know people don't like to recognize Race as a real thing, but looking at the statistics it has a real impact on how people vote. Identity politics may not be what people want, but it is something that needs to be addressed. I get that we may have Non-whites on this forum that are going to say "I voted Trump and so did most of my family!" and for White people "I know a really conservative Black family at Church and they all voted for Trump!". The truth of the matter is the only group that Trump won is White people.
I tune in once in awhile to Alex Jones, and he completely ignores the data to no surprise, and all him and his crew talk about is how Trump's rallies are primarily all minorities while the Antifa is all white. Yeah, it is true Antifa is mostly white but as we see the rise of BLM and La Raza we will see these groups join up.
We know at this point that Marxists have taken over most of Academia, which has only done more to undermine Conservatism. I don't think people really consider the long term impact this has had. School of choice is not really a true solution as the teachers are all taught by the same professors at the universities. Law schools churn out activist Lawyers and Judges. Secondary School and University reinforce Marxist and anti-colonial attitudes, especially among minorities.
What is the future of conservatism, Are you more optimistic than I am? If you are what should we do?
We can't continue to have this attitude of "I just want to be left alone", that type of attitude goes nowhere for the long term. Along with that too many people simply say "we just need to go back to the Constitution" while I totally agree, it is easier said that done and realistically impossible.
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Where does "Conservatism" go in the future?