jeudi 24 août 2017

intersting theory on manual safeties

Mossad is a smart fella.

But I disagree with that notion and that reality. A thug prone to violence is going to know/understand the basic workings of the few types of safeties. They are either an up or down motion with your thumb. Not tricky.

The ODDS of someone wrestling your gun away are near zero. That it would ALSO be on safe, make it even less probable. And, finally, that this fictitious thug who manages to rip your gun away and can't figure out a safety - I bet you'd be lucky to find a news story on it. Can it happen? In a nation of 300 million people with millions of violent attacks. Sure.

But is that the purpose of manual safeties? Not in my view. They are for product liability, as a safety against AD/ND, and a sole/redundant drop safety (most designs recess or conceal or use a transfer bar of sorts to prevent the hammer from contact with the firing pin).

However, there is a theory which may be valid in that the magazine disconnect is designed in part for that reason. A police officer in a struggle for his gun can push the mag disconnect. And that renders the gun inoperable and only an experienced person would know to lock in the magazine.

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intersting theory on manual safeties

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