mardi 29 août 2017

How to get money for preps?

There's a lot of discussion in the Houston/Harvey threads about why people aren't prepared. One reason given is that people don't have enough money to spare to do it.

But there are ways to get enough money to at least get some water in place, some food that isn't perishable, extra batteries and LED flashlights, a 5-gallon bucket and heavy-duty garbage bags know what.

What can people do to "find" or make extra money? Let me start a list, and I'm anxious to see what others have as ideas.


1. Sell extra stuff you have on Craigslist. Do a yard/tag/garage sale to get rid of extra clothing, this-or-that. Price it to sell.

2. Give up one extra luxury for as long as it takes to accumulate $200. A latte? You can live without it for a while. Pack your lunch for a month instead of eating out. Carpool. Do something to reduce your outgo and redirect the savings to preps.

3. Refinance your mortgage if you have one and it makes fiscal sense. I once refinanced mine which, after fees, saved me a grand total of $39/month. That doesn't look like much, but that's almost $500/year. Took me 3 hours of paperwork and meeting w/ the loan officer to do it.

4. Find a babysitting gig. Or mow lawns. Or start a service that offers to take people to the store and help them get their groceries in the house, for a fee.

5. Offer to do painting. That's my go-to gig.

What else can people do to earn a little extra they can put toward preps?

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How to get money for preps?

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