mardi 29 août 2017

Harvey- Personal Lessons Learned

So I am in the city, flooded in and cut off from the outside for a few more days.
I am personally safe and have been in contact with dispatch and performing limited foot patrols in the area I live in, if nothing more than be a visible presence to deter looting.

Here are the lessons that I have taken from this-

I need emergency Personal Flotation Device for my work gear, the water rises so rapidly that you have very little time to react.

Don't go home in a weather event, I am cut off from the office and patrol units, limits the ability to perform duties, cover what areas are still dry.

Stock more supplies than you think you will need- I am good for now, it's the recovery period that is going to be iffy.

Fully explore the entire area for viable passage out before the water gets uncontrolled.

Form a network of responders in the immediate area and build on that so we can still be effective even if isolated. Nothing is worse as a first responder to not be able to do anything meaningful in these events.

Things high on my list for the next few months-
An SUV capable of fording at least 4 feet of water
A Boat, looking at the idea of a Zodiac
Better comms gear

Although this magnitude of water was unexpected we do have occasional flood events in the area from normal rainfall, so the above will still be valuable.

I have power still, water is still in service for bathing, and my location does not get water inside so that is good to know.

In the days and weeks that follow this event I will most likely be on duty 7 days a week until we recover and secure the city. This has been an almost surreal event that caught us off guard, we knew the storm was coming but not the full potential.

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Harvey- Personal Lessons Learned

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