samedi 26 août 2017

Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches

So this was passed by the House. Only 5 people did not vote for it. This cannot stand, no way at all.

Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes - Only 1% Opposed It
<<<“(b) Enter upon the WMATA Rail System and, upon reasonable notice and a finding by the chief executive officer that a need exists, upon any lands, waters, and premises adjacent to the WMATA Rail System, including, without limitation, property owned or occupied by the federal government, for the purpose of making inspections, investigations, examinations, and testing as the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this MSC Compact, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. The Commission shall make reasonable reimbursement for any actual damage resulting to any such adjacent lands, waters, and premises as a result of such activities;>>>

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Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches

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