vendredi 25 août 2017

Partially prepared friends

DefaultPartially prepared friends

Well had to cut loose some very close friends several weeks ago . It happened during a conversation I overhead between both of them. When one of them told the other that he was coming to my place when shtf. I stop them right there on the spot and told them that having
a minimum of ammo and weapons does not give them a right to be in my group. Since they have no food and water as part of their plan and little skills (city boys). Their weapons are being stored at my place since I have better security. Then I turn to them and told them why do you think I recently gave you keys and codes to my place so you guys can access your stuff . Since I won't be here . And my group will shoot at you on sight if you follow me.the look on there face was priceless .but I did tell them its not to late to do food prepping as they have the ability to surpass me in food , water and other things. I reminded them that every time the subject comes up they say death. Would be better then living in that situation. I told them i have no problem with their wishes.

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Partially prepared friends

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