mercredi 30 août 2017

Goodbye, Columbus

Liberals have their next target in sight--Christopher Columbus. Instead of being portrayed as a courageous explorer who opened new worlds, he must be depicted as a murderous savage who harmed the natives of North and South America--who themselves were immigrants from the Asian continent.

Whatever. Your child will probably come home from liberal-indoctrination school shouting about Indigenous Peoples' Day. And we are all supposed to be ashamed. I'm not exactly sure what to be ashamed of. Personally, I'm still mad because my Mediaeval ancestors were peasants. Furthermore, my Anglo-Saxon forefathers were oppressed by the Norman invaders. I want restitution!

Is there anyone else who would like to hold a meeting/worship service/memorial to the man who said, day after day, "Sail on!"? Who fudged a little on how far his ship had traveled to keep his crews from complete mutiny? I would. I'd like to talk about his curiosity, his courage to face the unknown, and how the link he created between the Old World and the New changed and enhanced both.

I know what the liberals don't like about him and it has nothing to do with indigenous people. Columbus was a hero, and liberals don't like heroes. Heroes change the world while liberals whine. Heroes do the impossible while liberals stay in a safe space someone else made for them.

Many of us have fought to keep Christ in Christmas. Can we now fight to keep Columbus in Columbus Day?

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Goodbye, Columbus

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