samedi 2 mai 2020

BuddiPole Need Help

I took my BuddiPole out today and dropped the coil clip. After over an hour of searching for it on my hands and knees I finally gave up.

The problem is that without the coil clip you are out of business. Has anyone figured out a DIY or field expedient solution for a clip replacement.

I could not get my smallest aligator clip or even a bent wire to fit into the space between the coils.

I need a DIY or field solution in case this happens again.

Just to pour salt in the wound of a wasted day when I got home I went to order a replace clip from BuddiPole.

They come in a 3 pack. With shipping to Florida 3 clips will cost over $30.

That just seems wrong.

Tom, W1TWS

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BuddiPole Need Help

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