vendredi 1 mai 2020

THE WONDERS of Hollyweird movies..CONTAGION

ANYONE remember this one???


Fill you in, Lady get infected in China, brings it back to USA with her and it spreads and kills with nasty dedication. Lock down, food lines, collapse of society... the usual thing.

HOW did she get sick?

A BAT dies and falls into a pig pen. The pig eats the bat, the pig goes to market, a WET market, the chef picks piggy for his hotel and she gets served the dead bat pork dish...

either it is ALL a world hoax and conspiracy based on this movie,
coincidence can just be really bizarre.

It is a good movie and should scare the crap out of you and not a zombie to be had.

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THE WONDERS of Hollyweird movies..CONTAGION

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