mardi 1 août 2017

burning corn in a wood stove

Every fall as cheap food insurance against a possible event, in addition to my normal preparations, I put 450lb (in bags) of 100% pure whole corn in three large metal trashcans, backfill the empty space with unscented kitty litter to absorb moisture, seal the lid with contractor-grade trash bags, and then tie the lids down so that coons can't get in. the total annual cost (since I can reuse everything but the litter and the corn) is about $60.

Ok, well that's all well and good. But I want to replace my corn every year and don't want to just waste it. So I thought, "hey, maybe I can burn it?" I'll be burning wood anyway.

But here's my question. What's the best way for me to burn it without spending out extra money? Can I just take a shovel and throw a shovel-full on top of a wood-fire that is already burning? Do I need some special apparatus to make this work? I looked briefly at pellet baskets, but I'd prefer not to have to buy one if I don't really have to.

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burning corn in a wood stove

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