mardi 22 août 2017

Made in the USA!

Visited a 163 year old tool manufacturing company yesterday! I was aware it was there and close, but while out walking to put a fussy little girl to sleep I heard the trip hammers and other industrial sounds that told me I was close enough to just walk over there instead of driving over there later!

Warwood Tool who most of likely never heard of makes tools for mining, railroad, forestry, highway departments, military etc and others who need hard working American made tools.

I have one sturdy tool that has Warwood stamped on it on my farm that clued me in and I decided to buy several more to replace worn out US or lower quality offshore tools I'd rather replace with quality!

I doubt they get that much walk up traffic even though they are right on the walking trail and probably none carrying a sleeping baby, but I was determined to have some good American steel to work my WV rocky soil and they graciously filled my order on the spot while I walked back to grab my truck!

Not every day you can go to a meeting and come back with good tools!


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Made in the USA!

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