mercredi 23 août 2017

New Laws to Prevent Discrimination

Right now the USA has laws to protect pretty much everybody: homosexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals, unisexuals, quadsexuals, etc. Every ethnic group is covered: Inuits, Orientals, Africans, Antarcticans, Kenyans, etc. All religions must be accepted: Wiccans, Hindus, Zororastarians, Buddhists, assorted tribal animist beliefs.

Only one group remains unprotected: those with names considered unacceptable to be left, such as the ESPN commentator Robert Lee, who was taken from his job in a clear case of name discrimination.

It is urgent that we let our congress members know that we, the people of America, will not tolerate discrimination by name. Robert Lee should be paid just compensation and a new federal agency should be created to be sure such a miscarriage of justice doesn't happen again.

Outlaw name discrimination!

Let's block ads! (Why?)

New Laws to Prevent Discrimination

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