lundi 18 septembre 2017

Bad Guys Need Confidence

The longer I deal with combative and violent people, the more I understand how important/imperative they need to feel a large degree of confidence prior to launching such an attack, assault, robbery, ambush, or whatever bad activity they are up to.

They don't want to fight you, or struggle with you. No, they want to attack you. They want to win easily, without risk, or with very little risk. The less confident they feel, the less likely they are going to attack. You can greatly increase the risk of being attacked, raped, kidnapped, robbed, burglarized, or sucker punched, if you learn how to chip away, minimize, reduce, or eliminate your opponents confidence.

This isn't difficult to do if you keep in mind that in most cases they have to feel totally confident before they attack. Remember they are in MOST cases cowards. Full blown selfish cowards. Certainly there are a few really stupid ones who will wade into a bad situation and get demolished by the good guy. And there are a few who are suicidal and don't care what happens, but the overwhelming majority will not attack unless the conditions are PERFECT.

There are many, many, many ways to reduce the confidence of would be attackers. The real trick to surviving and operating against people who are in conflict with you is to operate left of bang. Shooting, tactical maneuvers, combat medical skills, and judo/karate training are good things, but you don't want to have to use those skills if you can solve the problem another way.

If your whole plan is to wait until someone attacks you, your chances of surviving are not very good. Real fighting is wildly dangerous. Try and develop the art of not getting in a gun fight, and not having people try and cut, hit, punch, or disarm you.

If you are doing your job right and doing things to reduce their confidence, this should place you at a real tactical advantage if they do attack, and increase your chances of winning that fight.

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Bad Guys Need Confidence

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