dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Rate my SHTF plan plz

I love fantasizing about the perfect SHTF plan, that involves living far from civilization, completely self-sustained, owned debt-free property etc. BUT fantasy aside, I need a more realistic solution that I can utilize immidiately, for example if SHTF were to happen next week!

I have considered making the move from my rental to buying housing in rural area, but my city job is just too damn good to pass up on, and althought all my city dating might seem like mindless fun; it's actually severly increasing my chances of one day finding the perfect prepper wife-material.

So.. atleast for the next 2 years I'm planning on staying in my city in New Zealand, but I still want to be somewhat ready. This is my plan:

Plan in a nutshell: 28 Days Later-style "wait for the panic to settle"

Step 1) MAYBE stay in my rental for as long as I can. I have moderate preps in my rental, however I say maybe because:
*I fear the police might knock on my door to grab my guns, as my address is registered with my firearms license.
*Although I live high, the rest of the city is very high flooding risk and I can't imagine people wouldn't demand me to share my home if 80% of the population turns into homeless refugees.
*Step #2 of my strategy might only work if I'm early before the roadblocks.

Step 2) Drive my 4x4 into the nearby hill/mountain woods (30-40 km away),
*Try to find a spot where I can drive my car right into the woods as far off the road as I can.
*Spray paint my 4x4 into camo (I'm worreid that if I spray paint my car in advance that my car will look too prepper to others)
*Throw camo net over my car so it's very difficult to see.
*Lay extremely low for as long as I can, only go out of car for stretching and toilet, but sleep inside, and spend all day long with my computer (I've prepared 30 tb of media, including SHTF manuals), I have usb solar powers, but not yet any USB chargable computer (but that's another ongoing thread)

The 4x4 is/has:
*Fitted foam mattress for sleeping.
*Basic supplies
*Water hiking filters
*If I want to stay 100% legal: my 1200 fps air rifle with 3000 pellets ammo.
If greyzone legal: real firearms (by law these has to be STORED in house safe, however I'm not sure if this bugout could be counted as a "trip", i.e. similar to a hunting trip where people temporary take their rifles with them)

(Currently I store all these things in my basement which takes only few minutes to throw into the truck, although I might consider having the truck pre-packed if tensions rise)

Step 3) Only if things get really bad: Abandon car to walk deeper into the forest than what I could go with car.
*tarp/tent in backpack
*sleeping bag in backpack
*misc stuff in backpack

There's a famous couple in NZ who managed to live in forest for many years. But they are more hippies than preppers so I think combining their adventureness with some actual preps (like rifle, great gear, suppliments, etc) would make it even easier.

I would love to also dig down at least one cache of supplies in the woods. although currently I'm not at that level of prepping yet.

What do you think?

I've actually lived in my car for many months before, however obviously during SHTF the situation will be a lot tougher. Also I'm really worried whether I will actually be able to drive more than a few meters into the forest. Unlike Canadian wilderness: NZ wilderness doesn't seem to have those endless abandoned roads through the forest, although the forests are big, there's very limited road through them and the forest is very dense, so my car might be spotted quite quickly.
Also I'm worried about moisture, especially the more hidden the car is the more nightmare the moisture situation might become.

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Rate my SHTF plan plz

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