mercredi 13 septembre 2017

Saychelle filtration question

I'm in the PNW and have maintained a Saychelle pitcher filter since around December for it's extreme filtration. My area has open water reserves and no one talks about Fukushima or the raise in the "allowed radiation" rate.

With that said, our first filter died after about 3 months. I replaced it, at nearly $40. The second filter died in about 2.5 months and our third filter is on the way out the door. By the time these things are clogged, I can go almost all day before I have an acceptable amount of water filtered (read: 3-4 cups).

This last filter, we decided to pre-filter our water in a Brita system as both my wife and I noticed a huge amount of solids in our water after we started paying attention (like - WOW). The Brita filter doesn't seem to have done much in extending the life of the filter and I still need to knock the pitcher every time I fill it to get it to do more than a drip every two seconds.

Anyone got a similar experience here? I'm starting to think about alternatives as $40 a pop, at roughly 4x a year, is unacceptable IMO unless I'm in an actual survival situation.

I will say we're about a year out from leaving this place for the mid-west. More freedom, better people, blah, blah, blah. So, I might just deal with this situation for now.

Thoughts? Comments? Sarcasm?

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Saychelle filtration question

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