Let's talk about how the Coronavirus pandemic has helped and/or hurt our prepping plans.
Canned Goods - Several years ago I scaled back my stockpile of canned goods. This was sue to changes to my life where it was just my wife and I. I have canned goods, just not in the quantity I use to have.
Face mask - Even though I have a case of N95 that were handed out during a hurricane a few years ago - these were for people helping clean flooded houses - I ordered several cloth mask. the mask I ordered have a space for a filter between the layers of cotton.
Hand Sanitizer - I had a limited amount of hand sanitizer on hand. To compensate I bought several liters of Everclear. The bad news, there was panic buying on Everclear for several weeks. As quick as the Everclear was cleaned out the shelves were full again.
To go along with the Everclear I ordered a dozen 2 ounce spray bottles. Rather than squirting everclear into my hands and it running out, the spray bottles cover the hands in a nice even mist.
Survival Garden - The pandemic survival garden is going according to plan. The snap beans are coming in and I have gotten several pickings off of them.
Two rows of potatoes have been harvested of which we got around 30 gallons of potatoes. We still have another row to go which should put us in the 35 - 40 gallon range.
Corn is not doing as well as last year, but it should do ok.
Garden was planted a little plate, but it should be fine. We seem to be getting plenty of rain for this part of May.
Okra is a little slow coming up, but I an not concerned, it should be ok.
Final Thoughts
I feel Coronavirus has helped hone my prepping plans. Part of my long term survival plan was to take lessons from the Black Death and attempt to apply those lessons to modern day. A lot has changed since them, such as our modern food supply chains, but some things have not changed, such as our need to socialize.
Overall, I feel I am better prepped today than I was at the end of 2019.
How has Coronavirus helped / hurt your prepping plan?
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