jeudi 24 août 2017

The Liberal Echo Chamber and it's effects

Most of us have watched the news of statue destruction, anti-police behaviors, riots, mobs, skin pigmentation hatred and general insanity and have tried to make some sense of all this.

In frustration we simply can't believe what we are seeing and hearing. It causes me to try and understand where all of this is coming come. What caused thousands to march on city streets across the nation demanding the death to our police officers. Those same black and white officers that stand there to protect them.

I've personally come to believe they live in an echo chamber where all other views aren't allowed or even explored.

It's been estimated that 90 plus% of college professors are extreme leftist who preach a one-sided doctrine. Our liberal educated media is awash with nothing but anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-American history.

Liberals do embrace diversity except not a ideological diversity, there is no tolerance for different view points or to even listen to other views.

Now comes the anger!

The liberal leadership assured their followers Hillary Clinton would win. Including President Obama himself. The very thought of a Trump victory was at joke status in the media. Most were giving 95-99% odds Clinton would win and would continue the leftist agenda of Barack Obama.

Like spoiled children who finally realize Santa Claus isn't real, it didn't go well. The liberal echo chamber came crash down on them like ice cold reality. Their rhetoric was shoved down their throats as they discovered their leaders were either liars or something else caused this disaster.

We had colleges and universities and their faculty cancelling classes across the nation for weeping and terrified students who honestly believed the end was here.

They want to be inclusive of people who don’t look like them, so long as they think like them.

It was decided that it had to be outside forces that caused this horrific embarrassment.

In their minds, it had to be:

-The Nazi's
-White separatist
-The KKK
-Statues & monuments
-White privilege
-Historic slavery

As a result of this brain-washing, they have taken to the streets in violence and destruction. Much like the brown-shirts did against the mythical evils of Jews in Germany.


The future fascist will call themselves the anti-fascist!

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The Liberal Echo Chamber and it's effects

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