dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Is this the leftward turn of Trump that some of us warned about?

Sounds like DACA isn't quite going away, or there may be some kind of amnesty deal coming.

Hillary isn't being prosecuted, and anyone who thinks she ever will be is delusional. That promise got dropped almost immediately.

Apparently the US won't be leaving the Paris Accords totally. We might just "renegotiate" our level of participation?

Trump himself said the wall will come "later" after the democrats refused to agree to it. How much later? It was the single biggest issue in his campaign and almost nine months in, we are still at square one.

He's also backing a big money/establishment guy in Alabama's senate race over a strict constitutionalist. Scratching my head on that.

Is this **** really happening or am I missing something? Because if it's happening, then the rabid Trump fans from his campaign, the ones who screamed his slogans from the rooftops, the ones who believed that Ted Cruz's dad helped kill Kennedy, the ones who loved it when he compared Ben Carson to a pedophile (you all know who you are) have some explaining to do. His most enthusiastic supporters promised us this wasn't going to happen, and attacked anyone who had reservations about it like dogs. Where are you people now? Please explain what the hell is going on.

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Is this the leftward turn of Trump that some of us warned about?

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