dimanche 26 août 2018

A question for the knife makers & blacksmiths

and especially to any metalurgy engineers.

My apology for the run on post but...

I watched an episode of Stone Mountain where a tomahawk was being made from two different steel types. Most of the steel was soft and flexible except for the piece that was going to be the cutting edge.

Samurai swords are also made using two different steel types. A softer flexible core that bends and a harder outer shell that produces a sharper edge that lasts longer.

Is it because of the blade size difference that knives are usually a single type of steel? Now spring steel besides being used for vehicle leaf spring suspensions is also used in ice fishing traps. https://www.ebay.com/i/181891198598?chn=ps

So; allow me to ask if anyone has attempted this before? A knife made with multiple steels?

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A question for the knife makers & blacksmiths

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