dimanche 26 août 2018

Are we becoming a nation of haters?

So I am supposed to be a communist because I don't think we should be a nation of haters? Do you know what the definition of communism is? I study history a lot and I don't know of any communist country.

I am told that I need to read more. I read and watch CNBC and CBS and Chris Hedges and Bill Maher and Abby Martin of Empire Files, I look at RT. I am anti-empire.

The other thing that gets me is the gun issue. Our nation is really involved in this gun culture. We think it is us or them, but if there was a mass school shooting and 4 of my 5 grandchildren were either killed or maimed for life, I just might be alarmed about the gun culture. Would you not be alarmed if a bunch of your kids or grandkids got blown away in a school shooting? When I was growing up in the 60's, I was happy to shoot single action revolvers because that was "how the west was won". And I still like my thutty-thutty. But lately everything is more and more fire power with many people I talk to talking about having to fight the government. "Assault rifles" sure as hell aren't going to outgun fighter jets and Apache helicopters, so why all the firepower. Reading in Guns and Ammo recently some fellow complained that the magazine no longer has articles on the .40 and the editors explained that people didn't want it because it had fallen out of favor. That is definitely what has happened with revolvers. TV, movies, all news media, including Fox News, glamorize throwing lots of lead into any situation and our nation if falling for it.

Maybe you should read more U.S. history especially from the mid 40's to the mid 60's. Read about drunkard Senator Joe McCarthy and how he found a communist behind every bush. How everyone liked Truman because he ended the war, but later the Republicans hated him because he was a Democrat. And read about that great Republican crime fighter and how he helped Estes Kefauver bring down the mob. And how that young senator and crime fighter rose through the ranks to be the most popular man ever elected to the presidency up to that time. I believed in all those fantastic accolades praising him and so of course I voted for that republican, but the dems didn't like him. He finally had to resign and he faded away. Richard Nixon (Tricky ****).

I agree that if democrats don't get their act together, they will go extinct and then the nation can cheer because there will be one party--republicans and then our presidential elections will be like they are in Russia. We are currently an olagarchy (rule by a few or many). We may think we are a democracy and both parties seem to want us to go that way. They want majority rules. What we should be is a representational democratic republic. When Mr. Franklin, coming out of the convention hall, was asked, "Mr. Franklin, what have you given us?" And Benjamin Franklin replied, "A republic, maam, if you can keep it." We sure have not kept it.

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Are we becoming a nation of haters?

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