mardi 28 août 2018

What about acupuncture?

I support it, just make sure you do research on who is doing it.

My mother was suffering with migraines so bad, that she would have seizures. For years my father tried to get her to go to an acupuncturist... she refused, thinking it was quack science. After a series of really bad seizures, she finally gave up and agreed to give it a try. The first time she went, they told her it would last about a month and she would need to come back... it did. The second visit, they told her the same thing... again, 1 month was correct and they came back. The third visit, they said they would return after 3 months... and 3 months later they did. I can't remember how many visit, but I think around the 5th or 6th visit, he told her that she wouldn't be needing him anymore and that he wished her all the happiness life has to offer... and to my knowledge, she's never had a migraine since. When she realized that she went all those years in pain with our "quack" doctors and dismissed eastern medicine, she cried...

My opinion, is to go for it. I think it could help and even if not, it's no worse than what he's getting now.

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What about acupuncture?

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