mercredi 29 août 2018

Laws vs Law abiding


Originally Posted by Rivers View Post

I think many of us won't truly know the answer until forced into such an extreme situation. We like to think we're of great moral fiber but when S does HTF, is that morality going to hold up or is it going to become an inconvenience? I think that actions of a defensive nature, even proactively defensive (like finalizing an adversary you're sure will eventually become a major threat to your security), are more easily reconciled with one's conscience.

Theres a quote I've heard for a long time that goes along the lines of "the only difference between me and a serial killer is I fear jail time"

I got to thinking about what normal people would do without law looming over them. I'm quick to acknowledge that I'd dirty my hands to save my family. I think most who say they wouldn't are blatant liars. I think the quicker we can come to terms with the animals in us the better off well be. I tried to get rid of a lot of moral fiber before the s went down so when it does, theres no hesitation

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Laws vs Law abiding

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