samedi 25 août 2018

Were Moon Landing Pics & Video's Fake?

I'd like to parse "did we go to the moon" with "are the pics and video's doctored" as it seem many cannot separate the two.

By no means are the video's presented here comprehensive but I encourage you watch them + others. Without looking again for a video showing capsules on the moon, the clarity of the pics were compared to use as evidence of aliens. In other words, if the same evidence were used to support alien life rather than moon landing, it would be rejected for lack of clarity + evidence of doctoring.

Was It Only A Paper Moon?

1. Contradictions between size of equipment and space available on ship, especially door opening in.
2. How astroid impact appears in center of view, not changing in size or position while many other astroid impacts change location (moving from right to left of view).
3. LEM having no scientific explanation for how it could stay upright with thrusters on side.
4. Mountain range in background on same side of astronauts coming and going during day's work.
5. Video showing translucent astronauts and appearing to be moving at half speed.
6. Sand kicked up by Rover hitting atmosphere.

NASA repeatedly admitting they do not have the technology yet to go beyond low Earth orbit.

Astronauts contradicting each other about being able to see stars.

So, let's put aside any emotional investment in "did we go to the moon." The question in this thread is about the official NASA pictures and video's of the moon being doctored.

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Were Moon Landing Pics & Video's Fake?

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