dimanche 26 août 2018

Former Vatican Official Accuses Pope of Knowingly Reinstating Abusive Cardinal


"In a bombshell report, the Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States has accused Pope Francis of reinstating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to a position of prominence despite knowing of McCarrick’s sexual abuse of priests, seminarians, and laypeople, including minors.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released an 11-page affidavit on Saturday alleging that Pope Benedict had imposed “canonical sanctions” on Cardinal McCarrick in 2009-2010 forbidding him from traveling, celebrating Mass in public, or participating in public meetings, but that Pope Francis later lifted these sanctions and made McCarrick a close personal advisor.

Presenting himself as a whistleblower, Viganò declares that bishops “must have the courage to tear down the culture of secrecy and publicly confess the truths we have kept hidden.”

The archbishop concludes by calling on Pope Francis to resign his office as pope."

Things are about to get very interesting for the Roman Catholic Church. This is the first time since Martin Luther picked up a hammer that a high church official has pointed the finger at the sitting Pope in a most Nathan-like manner and said "You are that man!"

My expectation? Francis doesn't resign, he is precisely the Marxist that a majority of the college of cardinals wants in that position to drag the church left and engineer its surrender to Islam. It will be left up to individual Catholics to determine if they remain in such a corrupt institution or leave for Orthodoxy or the LCMS.

The evidence has reached a point where it simply cannot be ignored.

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Former Vatican Official Accuses Pope of Knowingly Reinstating Abusive Cardinal

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