jeudi 30 août 2018

Bruce Ohr Testifies

I've been watching the coverage of Bruce Ohr's testimony the last couple of days. Of course it was behind doors, but what is coming out is interesting. To sum it up, it sounds like he contradicted a lot of others testimony and pretty much threw everyone under the bus. It was also reported this morning that it's looking like Congress is going to call back the entire cast of characters to testify again. Should be fun to watch.

One other thing that was reported was a response to one of Gowdy's questions. Ohr said that he knew the dossier was junk and never thought it would be used in any investigation. He also said he's never seen any investigation that remotely resembles this one, meaning that it appears to him to improper..

If you find a more up to date link, please post it.

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Bruce Ohr Testifies

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