mercredi 29 août 2018

Dear suburbia America woman gym goer:

You are an idiot, in fact you are borderline retarded but i love you anyway.

For the love of god, facebook memes and even facebook in general isn't the best place to glean any sort of useful knowledge or a place to form an opinion that isn't self contridictory.

So please next time you are at the gym keep your lecture to yourself.

Don't tell people the joys of eating organic, natural and hormone free while you are jacked up on birth control, popping suppliments of uknown origin and swilling some chemical drink.

Also, I don't care that Monsanto is "destroying the earth". You are so concerned about earth yet you are swaddled in synthetic fabrics from your yoga pants to your Pink brand shirt and nike shoes ( made by slave labor, lol), and you are probaby going to go home and cook some vegetables in a teflon/ Gen X pan.

I can not and will not call you a hypocrite but god damn, you are woefully misinformed. To practice what you preach is virtually impossible in a modern world unless you want to live like an uncontacted tribesman and judging by your make-up and grey range rover, i doubt you yourself is actually willing to go "all in".

*Not all women.

**Screw your time at the crossfit gym too, no matter how hard you train i will always be physically superior to you because chromosomes. I will out bench, out lift, out run and have a naturally lower bmi. It's just the way it is....

...or you could start mainlining horse testosterone, which i guess is technically all natural and organic, so that is a legitimate avenue for you to take.

I love a good conspiracy theory, but these all natural, all organic tyrants think because Dr. Oz or some other mainstream jerk off preaches this **** that its all of a sudden legitimate and needs to be heard by everybody and they ordained themselves prophets of the message.

Well, off to poison myself with my dinner and enjoy some not organic peppers and chicken chock full of hormones.

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Dear suburbia America woman gym goer:

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