jeudi 30 août 2018

Red dots tints the world dark?

One thing I never see mentioned about holo red dot sights (nor can ever find info on when I specifically search for it) is that they seem to make the world a lot darker, like sunglasses.

I guess this makes sense because of how they work (projecting onto tinted lense), but I'm surprised it's not more often mentioned as a drawback, because especially in the evenings when it's dark it can just really make it harder to see what you're shooting at.

Sometimes I walk through the forest at nighttime without night vision just for fun, it's interesting how the eyes can adjust to see the environment even when really dark. If I ever had to do that with a holo sight I would imagine I would be frustrated as hell as even the slightest tint would turn the subtle moon light into blackness.

granted I only have cheap holos (around 40 us dollars each), but that's all I can afford for now, I guess the real deal ones have better glass technology that makes the tint less noticeable?

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Red dots tints the world dark?

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