samedi 23 mai 2020

Had to choose a way to put down a sick chicken.

I did a search for euthanize in this section but there were no specific threads on the subject.

This is a touchy subject but it is something most chicken owners will need to deal with at some point in time. Typical farm birds may not have as much of a family attachment, but occasionally a perceived more gentle effort must be made.

I hope this doesn't lead to negative feedback. I am just hoping to offer an option for anyone else who may one day be in this situation. If you have another gentle method you may want to mention it or provide a link.

It had been sick for a few days. It was getting worse. Efforts were not helping at all. Today it was obvious.
But, how do you gently handle this when it's the girls favorite?
The bird was sick so prepping for dinner was not an option. I had looked for an option for an injection, but we had nothing on hand. We will check with a local vet for a possible option next time. After searching several posts I found this post about using ether. The post uses ceramic figurines in the gentle instructions, but do not go there if you are not comfortable.
I quickly remembered that ether used to be use as an anesthetic for surgery. It puts you to sleep, feel no pain, and for this purpose used in excess it will solve the problem painlessly.

There is no good way, but everyone agreed this was the best option today.

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Had to choose a way to put down a sick chicken.

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