dimanche 26 février 2017

anyone going to the CLA show in Lexington

Kentucky this year, It will be on a weekend in mid August .Most flintlocks and
traditionally made gear and homespun clothing in one spot i have ever seen.
you can find everything. from bits and pieces to doeskin shirts. you name it, its there. need a part for your percussion revolver? its there.original Tang sight for your sharps? there to. Its where I found the guy that does my Winchester and PW big levers. perfect every time. A true craftsman's fair. need home spun cloth? or a hand made shirt? there again. Or a Capote coat, Or a pack board, or a hand carved powder horn, and a hand hammered knife..... go to one, and you will fret till you go again. If not to buy then, to get contacts for later. this will be my 4th, its worth the fuel for me to drive from South Carolina.

Its the The Contemporary Longrifle Association Annual Show. First time admittance for the whole family is 20$ after that, Join CLA and become part of it. you can contact them at www.longrifle.com It is well worth the price.

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anyone going to the CLA show in Lexington

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