vendredi 24 février 2017

Something wonderful was said at CPAC today Microfinance.

Something wonderful was said at CPAC today Microfinance.

Here is a video where Carly Fiorina talks about Microfinance. Start at 11:30 if you do not want to watch it all.
CPAC 2017 - A conversation with Carly Fiorina and Arthur Brooks

In the video she talks about her work with Opportunity International, this is their web site

This is how I think micro loans would have to work in the U.S.

1, You decide on a product that you can make.
2. You get a loan to buy the tools and materials.
3. You make the product and start selling them.

1 A. There will be workshops setup similar to the BBB SCORE program except the workshops would actually provide helpful information. At the workshop you would learn how to navigate the local bureaucracy. How and where to sell you product including the .gov marketplace.

1 B. Advisers will be available to help with any patent and design/engineering issues. Advisers will also be available to help with any problems with buyers or suppliers.

2 A. The loan program participants will be given first dibs on any government surplus equipment, tools and materials that are available.

2 B. The loan recipients will be able to combine their buying power to get better deals on tools and materials.

2 C. Loan recipients would be free of all taxes and fees when buying equipment, tools and materials for a length of time.

3 A. The loan recipient will be free to sale their product anyway that they see fit including a government marketplace.

3 B. More than one loan recipient will be able to produce the same product.

3 C. Wholesalers will be able make request on the marketplace for a given number of a product and producers will be able to bid by stating on how many of the product they can supply in the allotted time and the amount they are willing to sell them for.

Loan recipient will be placed in loan groups of 5 people. Each of the members of a loan group will be responsible for repaying any loan defaulted on by one of the other members. All of a loan group's members will have to work together to insure the success of each member's venture.

When a loan recipient repays his or her loan he she will be able to take out another loan in order to expand his/her business. The loan recipient will have the choose as to weather he/she wishes to stay in his/her current loan grube or be placed in another one.

The loan recipient will be exempt from any taxis on any money made from their venture during the time period of the loan.

The loan fund will be funded by tax deductible voluntary contributions and interest bade on the loans. No tax payer's money will be used to set up, maintain or expand the loan fund.

The marketplace will be funded by charging a small user fee and tax deductible voluntary contributions.

Tax deductible contributions will be able to be made directly to the program or by checking a box and filling in the amount that you wish to contribute on your federal income tax form.

The loans amount will range from $500.00 to $2000.00 and have an interest rate of around 2%. The loans can be taken out for 1 to 5 years.

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Something wonderful was said at CPAC today Microfinance.

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