jeudi 23 février 2017

SHTF scenario, thoughts?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, But here is a theory!

Alright, lets go back to Edward Snowden. Snowden's story involves the US government as a villain because they were spying on their own people, and one way in which Snowden's story is depicted he is a hero for exposing big brother, a whistle blower that held even the president accountable.
However there are other versions of Edward Snowden's story where he is a traitor. This is not a story line populists like or proposed nationalists. Yet people still have opposing views as to weather Snowden was a hero and those people list him as a criminal. This is the case and why he is in Russia. The fact that he is in Russia and that's why he is not in jail draws more debate. I would like to avoid this debate and just home in on a fact revealed by Snowden himself as to which he claims patriot status for exposing. Not so much the spying, or looking at you through the eye on your camera of your laptop, but something Snowden revealed that could prove to be far more insidious.
When in Japan, one thing Snowden mentioned the US was doing to the Japanese besides trying to spy on their citizens was to imbed nano programs in their computer programs, this would lay dormant for ever and serve no purpose. Unless Japan ever turned against us, then the US could activate these programs to create massive calamity in Japan. This is not now nor has it ever been a major bullet point in Snowden's story, and its overlooked and receives little to no focus.
I'd like to focus on that, I'd also like to focus on a low budget movie called Invasion Day. In the movie Invasion Day the People's Republic of China invades and successfully takes control of the United States. Spoiler Alert! They do this by previously installing Bad Microchips in devices like Phones and Laptops, that they the Chinese do indeed have a monopoly on.
This is similar to What Snowden accused the US government of doing to the Japanese, except instead of a program, The Chinese use the actual software, that they made and installed in Phones, Laptops, and software used to keep our country going.
What are your thoughts on this! I don't know much about what makes a computer tick or a magical I phone, so enlighten me, do you think this could happen? It is now a strongly creditable theory that Governments do this sort of thing. Could this be the way the S finally HTF? Snowden was very critical of what the US government was doing but he did not ever mention what evils the Chinese might be up too. Does that draw any questions?

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SHTF scenario, thoughts?

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