dimanche 26 février 2017

Picking through the rubble, what to look for.

Was just reading a "What to Barter With" post and would like to Hijack the idea in a different direction.

Imagine this nightmarish scenario; you are on vacation in some "other city", the first panic hits, the stores are being looted by the masses and you need to follow close behind.

If they don't burn the stores to the ground what practical items might the Walmartians ignore?

I will start off with something I noticed in the far corner of a Dollar Store near me: Packets of seeds. Don't know how long they had been there, they had a coat of dust on them, but they were probably still viable.

Would people ignore the "Kosher isle"? Would they think to grab the large jugs of Corn Oil?

Let your imaginations run free but also think that you would only be able to carry what you find in your......inset name of favorite backpack here...all the shopping carts are gone.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Picking through the rubble, what to look for.

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