mercredi 22 février 2017

Socialized vs Fee for Service healthcare...the pros and cons

My view is we need both in the US. Just one system won't cut it.

Why do we need 2 systems in the US? Well the rich wont take anything less than the best and the average Joe and Jane can't afford the best. So, we need both.

In the US we got the best healthcare system in the world, but it is unaffordable by 98% of the people. Obamacare brought in the uninsurable with preexisting conditions and as it did, it ruined healthcare for the rest of the people. The end result of Obamacare is we now have ever escalating premiums, stupendous deductibles and even then, the insured has to pay 50% of all med bills many times.

I've never actually studied socialized healthcare other than hearing bits and pieces from the other countries that use it. So lets here the pros and cons for Socialized healthcare (Universal) vs Fee for Service healthcare (what we got in the US).

If we did get a socialized plan, my idea for funding is an add-on sales tax for everything from products to services. That way we can get the foreign tourists to pay for some of it. I mean the US is the world policemen, so the rest of the world should chip in some to take care of us or they will be speaking Chinese or Russian without a healthy US.

A problem I see with socialized healthcare is keeping costs in budget and greedy humans have a tendency to F'up everything they get their hands on. The other issue is the fee for service healthcare not wanting any competition and killing any socialized plans. With competition they can not do as much raping. That is great for them and just more declining health for the rest of America.

The only complaint I've heard about other countries socialized healthcare is the wait time. Maybe so, but waiting a few weeks or a even a month or two is better than never even getting in to the doctor.

What would socialized healthcare cover? You got a bursting appendix you can get it fixed right away. You need a heart transplant...get 4 jobs to pay for the rich system.

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Socialized vs Fee for Service healthcare...the pros and cons

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