mercredi 15 août 2018

Feedback on band plan

I'm looking for some suggestions for setting up a radio band plan for post-SHTF scenarios. I'm fairly new to ham radio (just got my technician's license) and I'm still trying to grasp all of the arcane incantations, spells and secret potions, so I'm hoping someone can provide some advice. Here's the situation - I have a good base station with decent antennas that handles the 70cm and 2M bands, and four dual-band handheld radios (max of 8W) that can handle 125MHz-175MHz and 385MHz-520MHz. Assume everyone using the radios has the appropriate ham and GMRS licenses. My inclination is to set up the base station to scan 5-10 different pre-selected frequencies, mixed between the two ham bands. I'd then set up the memories in the handhelds with those same frequencies, tagged as 'BASE1' through 'BASE10', and 10-20 other frequencies for intra-team use, tagged as 'TEAM1' through 'TEAM20'. The intra-team channels would be a mix of 70cm, 2M, FRS, MURS and GMRS channels (and maybe Marine channels, since the handhelds support those). Since propagation conditions can vary widely I would assume this will provide a good selection for the handheld users to choose from. When contacting the base station they would start with BASE1 and move up the frequencies until they got through. For intra-team they could work through the various frequencies until they found one that gave them the best signal for current local conditions. I also have a couple of the CountyComm roll-up antennas for the team to use when they're mobile, and I've taken steps to minimize the impact of a EMP/CME on the equipment. For a 'normal' scenario the radios would be set to the allowed FCC power limits for each service. For an emergency or post-SHTF scenario I can adjust the handhelds to transmit at the full 8W on every channel.

Does this approach make sense? It seems like it provides good flexibility without too much complexity, but as I said, I'm not an expert (yet 8-)).


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Feedback on band plan

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